Samstag, 31. Mai 2014

Ventoso again ...

Again news from Germany. Tigidit Ventoso was shown yesterday in Ostercappeln under judge Marliese Müller from Switzerland: Ex. 1 CAC BOB. Later he was under the last five in BIS-ring.

Montag, 26. Mai 2014

News from Wapiti!

Also Wapiti was shown successfully, in Ingolstadt saturday under judge Dr. Miklos Levente from Hungary he was assessed with a "very promising 1" and he won puppy-BOB and later Puppy-Best in Show!

Wapiti (Foto: Anouk Ebner)

Congratulations to Anouk & Wapiti!

Samstag, 24. Mai 2014

News from Germany again

Ventoso was shown successfully again today: 

Ex. 1 Regional Youthwinner Northrhine-Westphalia Best Young! Judge: Olaf Knauber/D.

Freitag, 23. Mai 2014

Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014

The Tigidit W-litter

Three puppies from the W-litter (Bem-Bésédé de Garde-Epée x Tigidit Noor), two males (Wu-Tang & Wichita) and one female (Wiluna) are still looking for a loving forever home:

Wu Tang, male, may 2014
Wu Tang, february 2014
Wichita, male, may 2014
Wichita, february 2014
Wiluna, female, may 2014
Wiluna, february 2014
Some scenes of their busy life (pictures taken in may 2014 ...

... and some from february 2014):

Freitag, 16. Mai 2014

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014

Int. Coursing Axel/NL, 11th of may

Savannah loves coursing, and she's pretty good in it! On the int. coursing in Axel/NL she was 2nd out of three Azawakhs. Her owner Elisabeth sends a wonderful picture (photo taken by William Pompen):

Montag, 12. Mai 2014

The Tigidit X-litter

The Tigidit X-litter are Xambre, Xankandi Sahari and Xayíde (Tigidit Pecos x Taoudeni at Tigidit):

Xambre (male)
Xankandi Sahari (female)
Xayíde (female, available)
They are always having a lot of fun, they are enjoying wild games with the W-pups, adult Azawakhs and of course the Podencos:

Only lovely Xayíde is still looking for a loving forever home:

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

A heart for a happy mothers day!

With a tiny little bit phantasy you can see a heart on this pic - maybe for a happy mothers day?!
Tigidit Xambre & Xankandi Sahari:

Samstag, 10. Mai 2014

Tigidit Savannah

Great news from Tigidit Savannah. She won the 1st place in the Coursing Internazionale Cavriana  last sunday - congratulations to the proud owner Elisabeth Smid!

Tigidit Savannah (photo: Marco)

Freitag, 9. Mai 2014

News from Germany

Tigidit Ventoso was shown on the VDH-Europasieger & International Dog Show in Dortmund today and achieved the title "Europajugendsieger 2014". The Azawakhs were judged bei Elmar Sistermann/Germany.

Tigidit Ventoso, april 2014 (Copyright: Betti Schmidt)

Montag, 5. Mai 2014

Raduno di Primavera, Padenghe sul Garda, 03.05.2014

No rain at all! So much better for the 20 entered Azawakhs, which were judged by Nina Neswadba from Austria - sorry, only a few results are available, but of course some photos.

Congratulations to Franca Gallo & Tigidit Qismah for BOB!!! BOS was Tigidit Tiago, Best Young Tigidit Vanilla, owned by Mara Stefanoni.

Tigidit Nusrat
Tigidit Manhaus
Tigidit Thar
Tigidit Manhaus
Tigidit Shamo
BOS Tigidit Tiago
Tigidit Ventoso
Tigidit Odessa

Tigidit Qismah - BOB
Tigidit Qwara
Tigidit Savannah
Tigidit Voramar
Tigidit Voramar moving
Tigidit Vanilla - Best Young
Vanilla & Mara