Montag, 30. Juni 2014

Wapiti did it again!

Wapiti was shown again in puppyclass on the sighthound-show in Mertingen/D with a phantastic result: very promising 1 Best puppy and Puppy-Best in Show! Jugde was Peter Machetanz from Germany.

Congratulations to proud Anouk!

Samstag, 28. Juni 2014

Tigidit Qismah

Tigidit Qismah was successfully shown on the International Dog Show Bled/Slovenia last weekend with the following results:

first day Ex 1 CAC CACIB BOS BOB
second day Ex 1 CAC RCACIB.

Congratulations to Franca & Qismah!

Freitag, 27. Juni 2014

Visiting Ingrid again

The meeting on sunday was quite international - Azawakh-fanciers from Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Germany came together and enjoyed a wonderful day.


Wapiti & Xankandi Sahari

Wapiti is happy to meet Sergio again

Xambre, Wapiti, Ilhami

Biro & Sergio

This time we managed to get a picture of the visitors, only Kathi (Al Hara's Vinza) is missing:

It was a wonderful day - we hopefully meet again soon. Probably in august?!

Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014

Visiting Ingrid Aigeldinger

After visiting the show in Aarau we had a wonderful evening at Ingrid's place. The dogs were enjoying themselves having a blast in the meadow where so many Al Hara's grew up:

Paco chasing Ventoso


Xankandi Sahari



Xankandi Sahari

Ilhami meets little Biro



Qwara and Shamo meeting Jens
Tombouktou's Yeki
After the dogs were tired and happy back in their cars, we enjoyed a meal and some wine together.

We left late, but of course in order to return soon ...

Montag, 23. Juni 2014

Results of the national dogshow Aarau, 21.06.2014

The national dogshow Aarau (Switzerland) was held on the horse-racingtrack in Schachen with the following results:


Puppyclass 1/1:

very promising 1 Best Puppy - Tigidit Xambre

Intermediate class 1/1:

Ex 1 CAC - Tigidit Ventoso

Championclass 1/1:

Ex 1 CAC BOS - Tombouktou's Yeki


Youthclass 1/1:

VG 1 - Tigidit Voramar

Open class 1/1:

Ex 1 CAC BOS BOS - Tigidit Qwara

Some pics from the Best in Show-Ring:

Xambre in Puppy-BIS-Ring

Qwara in Best in Show-Ring
Qwara had a lot of fun later:

Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014

Along the river

... with Djebeha, Ilhami, Baltico, Wu-Tang, Wiluna & Xayìde:

Wiluna & Wu-Tang

Xayìde chasing Baltico



Montag, 16. Juni 2014

Ventoso loves lure-coursing!

News from Germany again. Ventoso did his second and last part of the coursing-license, so he can start officially soon. And of course he had a lot of fun again:

Dienstag, 10. Juni 2014

Podencos and Azawakh

... met in Tüttleben too.

Tigidit Belize with Tigidit Woobinda in the background

Tigidit Woobinda came for a visit, Tigidit Ventoso was entered anyway. The boys like each other and we all enjoyed the day and of course took some pictures:

Ventoso & Woobinda (Foto: Frank Wilke)

First of all a little presentation of Tigidit Woobinda (Bem-Bésédé de Garde-Epee x Tigidit Noor) at the age of seven month:

And Tigidit Ventoso (Tigidit Maonlay x Tigidit Impala), 17 months now: