Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015

Some results of the Worlddogshow Milano

Podenco Ibicenco Rough-Haired:

BOB CACIB dog WW-2015 - Lucas

BOS CACIB bitch WW-2015 - Clenxa at Tigidit

photo-credit to Kiki Keller

Podenco Canario:

CACIB bitch WW-2015 - Miel at Tigidit

photo-credit to Kiki Keller

Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015

German Azawakh-specialty 2015

The german Azawakh-specialty was held in Bermatingen and judged by Ute Lennartz from Germany. 83 Azawakh were entered! Here are the results of the Tigidit-Kennel:

- TIGIDIT ZAGROS 1°V.P. Best baby
- TIGIDIT YUKALI 1°V.P. and BOSpuppy
- TIGIDIT VENTOSO 1°Exc VDH ResCAC in open class (11 entered) and BEST AZAWAKH HEAD
- TIGIDIT SHAMO 1°Exc VDH in champion class (13 entered) and BEST AZAWAKH MOVEMENT
other nice results:
- TIGIDT IKRAAM 2° in veteran class
- TIGIDT QWARA 4° in champion class

Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015

The A2-litter at 13 days

Tigidit Pelagia and her puppies
Male 1 - the "Panzerotti":

Male 2 - the "Southerner":

Female 1 - the "Cuddled up":

Female 2 - the "Little ring":

Female 3 - the "Brave":